Donate Now

Help your neighbors by donating to the North Liberty Community Pantry!

Are you donating because a friend shared the Pantry with you? 

DonateButtonCCAdd “special instructions” to specify your donation for the Growing Together Garden, events, a memorial or honorary gift, personal hygiene, or other specific focus.

  • If you prefer donating through Paypal, click here.

The Pantry is part of a non-profit organization (a 501(c)(3)). All monetary donations are tax deductible. The North Liberty Community Pantry Tax ID #: 42-1233284

To donate by check
Checks should be made out to North Liberty Community Pantry and sent to:
North Liberty Community Pantry
89 N Jones Blvd
North Liberty , IA 52317

Automatic Monthly Donations
Recurring gifts to your credit or debit card can be made through this giving page. Please contact us if you would like information about making automatic monthly donations in another manner.

To donate to the pantry through our endowment fund, contact the Community Foundation of Johnson County.

The number of families in the North Liberty and small towns in Johnson County in need food and clothing is increasing. Your financial donation enables the Pantry to obtain low-cost food from the HACAP Food Reservoir and additional food and toiletry purchases. It also pays for transporting food to the Pantry, food deliveries to those who can’t shop in person, and for pantry operations. Donations are also used to purchase winter wear for our annual coat distribution as well as socks and underwear throughout the year.